Click here if you're using the iPhone app
Click here if you're using the Android app
Click here if you're on the website
If you're using the iPhone mobile app:
Users can share files saved in their Vault with a third party by following the directions below:
1) Sign into your account through the TalkingParents mobile app.
2) Navigate to the More tab.
3) Select Vault File Storage.
4) Select the location of the file you want to share under All Files, Favorites, or Recently Deleted.
5) Navigate to the file you would like to share and press down on it until this menu pops up
6) Select Share from the pop-up menu
7) Select if you would like to share the file by email or by link
8) If you select Copy Link you will need to select the duration for how long you would like the third party to have access to the file. You can select 24 Hours, 48 Hours, or Never if you do not want access to expire.
9) After selecting the duration, you will need to select Copy Link To Clipboard
10) If you select to share by email, you will need to input the third party's email address.
If you're using the Android mobile app:
Users can share files saved in their Vault with a third party by following the directions below:
1) Sign into your account through the TalkingParents mobile app.
2) To Navigate to the Vault, Tap the 3 dots in the bottom right corner.
3) Tap on Vault File Storage.
3) Choose your Folder.
4) Select the three dots to the right of the file you would like to share.
5) Select Share
6) Select if you would like to share the file by email, copy link to clipboard, or to another app.
7) If you select Share via Email, you will need to enter the email you're sending it to, a note for the file, and select the duration for how long you would like the third party to have access to the file. You can select 24 Hours, 48 Hours, or Never if you do not want access to expire. Then tap Send.
8) If you select Copy link to Clipboard, you will need to select the duration of access to the file and then tap Send.
9) If you select Share to another app, you will need to select the duration of access to the file and then tap Send. Then choose the app you would like to send it to.
If you're using the website:
Users can share files saved in their Vault with a third party by following the directions below:
1) Sign in to TalkingParents and navigate to the Vault.
2) Select the three dots to the right of the file you would like to share
3) Select Share. Next, you'll decide if you would like to share the file by email or by copying the link
5) If you choose Copy Link you will need to select the duration for how long you would like the third party to have access to the file. You can select 24 Hours, 48 Hours, or Never if you do not want access to expire.
6) After selecting the duration, you will need to select Copy Link To Clipboard
7) If you select to share by email, you will need to input the third party's email address.